A collection of jottings, writings, published pieces, and inchoate thoughts

with award-winning journalist and author Ian Johnson
With Professor Gina Tam, author of Dialect and Nationalism in China: 1860-1960

On the latest episode of Barbarians at the Gate, David Moser and I are joined by the excellent Jeffrey Wasserstrom to discuss Jeff's new research, the Boxer War, and whether or not Covid-19 is just the latest example of the Curse of the Metal Rat.

David and Jeremiah ask: “What’s the point of putonghua?”

Jeremiah and new co-host David Moser talk about the language of public health and hygiene in China and the controversy around the phrase "Sick Man of Asia"

The coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan has morphed into a global panic. China's past suggests why epidemics are such an emotional issue

Reviewing two books that humanize a much-maligned group.

The ultimate dynastic showdown. The Ming versus the Manchus live from The Bookwom!

国内高匿免费HTTP伕理IP - 快伕理:2021-7-30 · 免费伕理由第三方服务器提供,IP质量不高。高质量IP请联系客服领取试用。 打开在线客服 IP PORT 匿名度 类型 位置 响应速度 最后验证时间 8088 高匿名 HTTP 台湾省 台湾基础开发科技股份有限公司 2 秒 2021-07-30 19:15:19 ...

A quarter of a century ago today, Beijing witnessed a mass shooting incident from a rogue PLA soldier.

150 years ago this month, one of the most famous photographs in American history commemorated the completion of the transcontinental railway. But where are the Chinese workers who played a key role in building the railroad?

On April 15, 1989, former General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party died in Beijing. What came next changed China forever.

The mid-century scramble to stop priceless art and artefacts falling into the wrong hands saw country’s collection of imperial artefacts splinter
Nationalists transported their treasures to Taiwan, while newly minted People’s Republic allowed Forbidden City to preserve posterity

免费ip伕理从掩藏级别上差别:2021-6-15 · 你当前的位置:首页 > ip伕理小知识 > 免费ip伕理从掩藏级别上差别 免费ip伕理从掩藏级别上差别 来源: 泥马IP 作者: 梅亚东 2021年6月15日 09:54 的确,不消除这类可能,比如运用全透明免费 ip伕理 或一般免费ip伕理,指导思想服务器一下就发现你是"一只披着绵羊皮的狼",被和谐封是不容置疑的。

Walk down any street in Kyoto and chances are you'll run into an old temple. Did Chinese architect and preservationist save the city from being destroyed in World War II?

Feckless sycophants at the National Museum have taken the Reform and Opening period, one of the most significant moments in Modern Chinese history, and turned it into the equivalent of a Xi Jinping dick pic.

Nothing is more annoying than the uncritical writer who arrives at a destination and proceeds to gush over the local culture. So when I say I love Taiwan, I do so with the full expectation that I may be simply exorcizing the accumulated demons of a life lived in Beijing. But you know what… I absolutely love Taiwan and let me tell you why.

You come at the Emperor, you best not miss. Understanding the 1911 Revolution with an assist from the writers and cast of The Wire.

How a Christian missionary fell foul of the Chinese Emperor.

Unearthing the history lying beneath a Beijing park

My review of Robert Bickers' Out of China.

Yeah, Beijing is a tough mistress, a city that a friend once compared to living in an abusive relationship. He’s now in Bangkok. I’m still here … for as long as they’ll let me stay.

Grant’s was a life lived in many acts: Soldier. Drunk. Failed businessman. Drunk. General. Drunk. President. Failed Businessman again. Tomb. He was also the first US president to visit China.

In writing about China, should we be careful not to conflate the Party with the people?

Since mid-November, police and security officials have evicted tens of thousands of migrants from their apartments, and pictures of the newly homeless from all across China sitting outside in the Beijing winter have spread widely on social media. Why did the city government take this step? And what does this mean for the rights of China’s so-called “low-end population”?

Which Chinese dynasty is most like the Sex Pistols? Which rap crew could have soundtracked the Khans? The rogue historian weighs in…

In a Beijing village, a community of strivers clings to a doomed existence

It’s 3:00 in the morning. You are sitting on a stool next to a drinks cart somewhere near “Pub Street” in Siem Reap. Beyond the reptilian core of your brainstem – the part devoted to maintaining respiration and sphincter function – you have a dim recollection of an appointment in three hours with Angkor Wat.

Probably the most commonly asked question in my classes is “What was Mao’s deal?” It’s a tough question to answer, even for folks from China. Approach ten people in a Beijing park, ask them about Mao and be prepared to get ten wildly different answers.

The high honors of a lowly laborer, the life and times of Shi Chuanxiang (1915-1975).
Jeremiah and David discuss the state of international education in China and the United States.

with award-winning journalist and author Ian Johnson

Professor Carter joins the Barbarians at the Gate podcast as we discuss the history of horse racing, colonialism, and the last days of Old Shanghai.
With Professor Gina Tam, author of Dialect and Nationalism in China: 1860-1960

On the latest episode of Barbarians at the Gate, David Moser and I are joined by the excellent Jeffrey Wasserstrom to discuss Jeff's new research, the Boxer War, and whether or not Covid-19 is just the latest example of the Curse of the Metal Rat.

With Laszlo Montgomery of the China History Podcast

David and Jeremiah ask: “What’s the point of putonghua?”

If you're missing your local bar or just a fan of the hooch, check out Derek Sandhaus' fascinating and frequently hilarious history of Chinese baijiu.

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Jung Chang's latest book promises a fresh take on the story of the Soong Sisters but ultimately falls short.

国内高匿免费HTTP伕理IP - 快伕理:2021-7-30 · 免费伕理由第三方服务器提供,IP质量不高。高质量IP请联系客服领取试用。 打开在线客服 IP PORT 匿名度 类型 位置 响应速度 最后验证时间 8088 高匿名 HTTP 台湾省 台湾基础开发科技股份有限公司 2 秒 2021-07-30 19:15:19 ...

如何检测伕理ip是否高匿-变极ip修改器:2021-6-15 · 如果使用的高级匿名伕理IP,网页显示的内容就只有伕理IP的地址了,将自己真是的IP 完全隐藏。 相关资讯 如何保护手机安全? 手机安全有多少人重视呢?如今就连公共的手机充电桩都可能有网络病毒,照片也可能骗过人脸识别系统进行支付 ...

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A look at some of history and present day's famous rats - from Scarlett Johansson to polynational pirate Koxinga.

I was one of the long-term Beijingers asked about how they intend to spend this year's Chinese New Year and hopefully uncover some horror stories along the way.

Reviewing two books that humanize a much-maligned group.

Dumb Luck is a wickedly funny, almost Dickensian, romp that is still taught in Vietnamese schools today.

Python爬虫用了高匿名伕理ip,爬快了为什么还是会封掉 ...- 知乎:2021-4-29 · 1.伕理可能并不高匿。你可众使爬虫访问您的IP地址,来检测伕理是否生效。 2.服务器可能通过请求头中的X-Real-IP、X-Forwarded-For等信息来获取真实ip。可众在发起请求时伪造这些值。下面是我用于投票的一部分伕码(nodejs):

The ultimate dynastic showdown. The Ming versus the Manchus live from The Bookwom!

The Beijing Metro system turned 50 this year, but it was a difficult birth.

The writings of the Song Dynasty scholar still resonate today.

伕理IP的那些事儿(理论基础) - 知乎:2021-10-15 · 普通匿名伕理能隐藏客户机的真实 IP,但会改变我伔的请求信息,服务器端有可能会认为我伔使用了伕理。 不过使用此种伕理时,虽然被访问的网站不能知道客户端的 IP 地址,但仍然可众知道你在使用伕理,当然某些能够侦测 IP 的网页仍然可众查到客户端的 IP。

There is a real story to tell about how Chinese civilians and soldiers assisted US airmen after the Doolittle Raid - but "Midway" ain't it.

How brave Chinese villagers helped save the crew behind a daring US raid against Japan

The Gingko Bilboa has been around for more than 240 million years old, and is sometimes described as a 'living fossil'

A look back at anniversary celebrations in Beijing.

A quarter of a century ago today, Beijing witnessed a mass shooting incident from a rogue PLA soldier.

Did calorific mooncakes bring about the overthrow of Mongolian rule in China?

Few things recall the elegance of old Hong Kong like tea in the lobby of the Peninsula Hotel.

A thwarted assassination that almost changed the course of Chinese history

A semi-systematic curation of a career spent writing about Asia.

Biographical data. Contact Information. Jeremiah trivia.